Kotak MF Nifty Commodities Index Fund NFO 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund Reg Half-Yearly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 14.023
24-02-2025 14.0219
21-02-2025 14.0114
20-02-2025 14.0174
18-02-2025 14.021
17-02-2025 14.0142
14-02-2025 14.0014
13-02-2025 13.9993
12-02-2025 14.0047
11-02-2025 14.0008
10-02-2025 13.9911
07-02-2025 13.9959
06-02-2025 14.0282
05-02-2025 14.0206
04-02-2025 14.0102
03-02-2025 14.0117
31-01-2025 13.9926
30-01-2025 13.9966
29-01-2025 13.9985
28-01-2025 14.005
27-01-2025 14.0121
24-01-2025 13.9793
23-01-2025 13.9649
22-01-2025 13.9709
21-01-2025 13.9515
20-01-2025 13.929
17-01-2025 13.9136
16-01-2025 13.9209
15-01-2025 13.8824
14-01-2025 13.8715
13-01-2025 13.8613
10-01-2025 13.9133
09-01-2025 13.9135
08-01-2025 13.9108
07-01-2025 13.9193
06-01-2025 13.9063
03-01-2025 13.8922
02-01-2025 13.888
01-01-2025 13.8891
31-12-2024 13.8997
30-12-2024 13.8888
27-12-2024 13.8744
26-12-2024 13.8729
24-12-2024 13.8855
23-12-2024 13.8856
20-12-2024 13.8765
19-12-2024 13.8765
18-12-2024 13.9031
17-12-2024 13.8967
16-12-2024 13.9086
13-12-2024 13.8999
12-12-2024 13.8884
11-12-2024 13.893
10-12-2024 13.8986
09-12-2024 13.8879
06-12-2024 13.8621
05-12-2024 13.9059
04-12-2024 13.9
03-12-2024 13.8851
02-12-2024 13.8847
29-11-2024 13.8456
28-11-2024 13.8121
27-11-2024 13.8048
26-11-2024 13.7973
25-11-2024 13.7976
22-11-2024 13.7768
21-11-2024 13.7838
19-11-2024 13.7901
18-11-2024 13.7833
14-11-2024 13.7695
13-11-2024 13.7895
12-11-2024 13.7927
11-11-2024 13.7948
08-11-2024 13.7872
07-11-2024 13.778
06-11-2024 13.7753
05-11-2024 13.7739
04-11-2024 13.7689
31-10-2024 13.7624
30-10-2024 13.7704
29-10-2024 13.7557
28-10-2024 13.7423
25-10-2024 13.7503
24-10-2024 13.7566
23-10-2024 13.7544
22-10-2024 13.74
21-10-2024 13.7415
18-10-2024 13.7475
17-10-2024 13.761
16-10-2024 13.7626
15-10-2024 13.7725
14-10-2024 13.7613
11-10-2024 13.7491
10-10-2024 13.7562
09-10-2024 13.7595
08-10-2024 13.7292
07-10-2024 13.7054
04-10-2024 13.7106
03-10-2024 13.7532
01-10-2024 13.7732
30-09-2024 13.7531
27-09-2024 13.7367
26-09-2024 13.7596
25-09-2024 13.7447
24-09-2024 13.7247
23-09-2024 13.7183
20-09-2024 13.7107
19-09-2024 13.7136
17-09-2024 13.6875
16-09-2024 13.6974
13-09-2024 13.6713
12-09-2024 13.66
11-09-2024 13.6485
10-09-2024 13.6267
09-09-2024 13.6255
06-09-2024 13.6178
05-09-2024 13.6186
04-09-2024 13.6183
03-09-2024 13.5886
02-09-2024 13.5821
30-08-2024 13.583
29-08-2024 13.5798
28-08-2024 13.5777
27-08-2024 13.5762
26-08-2024 13.5817
23-08-2024 13.5696
22-08-2024 13.5689
21-08-2024 13.568
20-08-2024 13.5615
19-08-2024 13.5515
16-08-2024 13.537
14-08-2024 13.5401
13-08-2024 13.5203
12-08-2024 13.5196
09-08-2024 13.5146
08-08-2024 13.5145
07-08-2024 13.5191
06-08-2024 13.5107
05-08-2024 13.5113
02-08-2024 13.4815
01-08-2024 13.4707
31-07-2024 13.4651
30-07-2024 13.4626
29-07-2024 13.4708
26-07-2024 13.4563
25-07-2024 13.4443
24-07-2024 13.4306
23-07-2024 13.4226
22-07-2024 13.4173
19-07-2024 13.4111
18-07-2024 13.4071
16-07-2024 13.4014
15-07-2024 13.3868
12-07-2024 13.3777
11-07-2024 13.3793
10-07-2024 13.3808
09-07-2024 13.3714
08-07-2024 13.3682
05-07-2024 13.3576
04-07-2024 13.3556
03-07-2024 13.355
02-07-2024 13.3494
01-07-2024 13.3467
28-06-2024 13.3459
27-06-2024 13.3445
26-06-2024 13.3429
25-06-2024 13.3473
24-06-2024 13.3547
21-06-2024 13.3495
20-06-2024 13.3387
19-06-2024 13.3373
18-06-2024 13.3259
14-06-2024 13.3148
13-06-2024 13.3124
12-06-2024 13.2911
11-06-2024 13.2879
10-06-2024 13.2748
07-06-2024 13.274
06-06-2024 13.2733
05-06-2024 13.2544
04-06-2024 13.2337
03-06-2024 13.3106
31-05-2024 13.2707
30-05-2024 13.2637
29-05-2024 13.2571
28-05-2024 13.2629
27-05-2024 13.2717
24-05-2024 13.2643
22-05-2024 13.2498
21-05-2024 13.2196
17-05-2024 13.1998
16-05-2024 13.2079
15-05-2024 13.1929
14-05-2024 13.177
13-05-2024 13.1676
10-05-2024 13.1546
09-05-2024 13.1467
08-05-2024 13.141
07-05-2024 13.1429
06-05-2024 13.1571
03-05-2024 13.1239
02-05-2024 13.1072
30-04-2024 13.0866
29-04-2024 13.0885
26-04-2024 13.0836
25-04-2024 13.0792
24-04-2024 13.0829
23-04-2024 13.0854
22-04-2024 13.0684
19-04-2024 13.0481
18-04-2024 13.0726
16-04-2024 13.0654
15-04-2024 13.0814
12-04-2024 13.0712
10-04-2024 13.112
08-04-2024 13.083
05-04-2024 13.1058
04-04-2024 13.1158
03-04-2024 13.1069
02-04-2024 13.1046
31-03-2024 13.1343
28-03-2024 13.13
27-03-2024 13.0934
26-03-2024 13.0781

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